Teaching Artist: Dorothy Hoeschen
Sketching is foundational to other forms of art, even drawing! Whether at its most basic or its most elaborate, it serves many functions and takes many forms. A sketch may be an end in itself, or a stepping stone to painting, sculpture, or printing. It is a way of gathering information about the world around you, and although looser and created quicker than most other art forms, it is a purely personal record for you, the artist. It can be a memory of a cherished place, a document of an individual experience, or a record of progress that you see as you flip through your sketchbook pages which cover a span of time. If your interest is plein air, spring is the perfect time to hone your sketching skills in preparation for outdoor painting during the summer. This class will explore tools that can be used for sketching, ways of composing the scene you are sketching, and the many possibilities for expressing what drew to that particular scene. We will even spend a week (or two) exploring color in sketches. Supplies for sketching are minimal: a sketchbook, graphite pencil, markers, ink pen, and an eraser. There are several possibilities for adding some simple colors and a supply list will be provided. Get ready to learn!
Here is a link for details regarding AOY Terms & Conditions. Online payment at time of registration is preferred. Please note, if you choose to use the "payment by check" option, that checks are accepted only during the first 4 weeks of registration and the check payment option expires two weeks prior to the start of each class. Checks must be received two weeks prior to the start date for completion of registration in order to be added to the class roster. Registrations will be cancelled if payments are not received prior to these deadlines.
AOY Art Center
949 Mirror Lake Road
Yardley, PA 19067
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